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Hi... I am Parul.. I am a 35 year old, banking professional while also being a wife for past 10 years and now proud mother to a bubbly chirpy five year old daughter who is now the centre of my world.


I love crafting, creating and transforming our little house into a beautiful home ... while all the time remembering to not break the bank... I guess this is where my training and experience in banking is helping me along ...


I started this venture nearly a year ago in a small town in Germany by making handmade goodies for my daughter and her friends. This was when I realized my natural flair for creating unique and beautiful things and made up my mind to make this my vocation.


For a long time I wanted to share all the crazy creative ideas I have worked on this past one year .. I am one who just cannot sit still and my creative energy is channelled into baking, crafting, decorating. I am constantly looking out for new and challenging projects. I am not an expert by any means but I am learning new things everyday and I welcome you all to join me on this journey to discover new creations........










         Being Crafty isn't just a Hobby...

                                                                                                it's a way of Life!!!

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